Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All This AND Goat Stew?

Grabbed this slab o' chevron outta Vinyl Dog's box of table scraps (Thanks) @ the last Highland Park Record Sale (AKA. Iselin Record Swap-Meet thingy) and I ain't stopped stirrin' it since. I mean, it has goat sounds in it, right? What more do you need? Awesome instrumental soul track? Done and done.

The 'Freddie' of these Kin folk would be Freddie Scott, drummer extraordinaire from that Black Lagoon down Florida way. He cut a couple o' discs for area labels before the gators got him, I guess?

Practically guaranteed not to disappoint, look for the equally awesome, if not slightly goat-less flip in an up and coming (As in it's finished, so it won't be a lifetime commin')BftRB soul mix.

You're just going to have to be content with a large ladle full o' goat in the meantime. Doesn't that sound good?

The Goat - Freddie & the Kinfolk


Anonymous said...

Excellent. We need more animal noises in rock n roll. Thank you.


The RedBoy said...

That, and more songs about Potato Chips & Slurpees!

Earn Your Higher Academic Degree said...

You look adorable in a poncho! You're right, it is the perfect transition piece!

High School Diploma Program said...

Great post i have got here thanks a lot.