Monday, June 14, 2010

Hi-Fi for Small Fry

“I want Candy”

Really, not so much anymore. They say your tastes change as you get older, and they may be right. Anyone who knows me knows I crave to most ridiculous brands of candy. Be they liquid in form, sour, tongue transmogrifying or of the gummy variety, I’m all over them- or, at least I was. These days my pallet has changed, some would argue, for the better. That doesn’t mean I can’t indulge in some auditory sugar-lumps on occasion, especially when I can’t make it to the local ‘Five Below’ for my requisite stock of Cherry Clans and Laffy Taffy (Shitty jokes not withstanding).

Note: I don’t give a fuck what Ferrera Pan calls em’ these days. They are still Cherry Clans to me)

Here we have the Candy Men, not to be confused w/ the Candy Men or the Candy Men. Now, before you jump all over my shit w/ the obligatory “But, Peter Pan Records sux” spiel, know that under any other circumstances I would agree w/ you, the majority of ‘Pan’s’ output being barely listenable kiddie dreck. But as well known collector and all around solid sender ‘Vinyl Dog’ (Co Chair of the Legendary Highland Park Record Sale) told me whilst trying to entice a trade for some Bollywood soundtracks I scammed outa the Newark Salvation Army, this ‘Pan’ track is actually pretty awesome and worth the switch. He was indeed correct.

Spearmint twist was the carrot offered for trade, but to tell you the truth, as much as I dig the instro side, it’s ‘Candy-Bar Twist’ that has really got me in a, um, twist. You better download em’ now before Joey Dee unleashed the dogs of war and takes this candy from you, baby.

Candy Bar Twist – Candymen

Spearmint Twist - Candymen


Prof. Grewbeard said...

umm, sweet!...

melissa joy said...

Dammit..I can't seem to get it to download.
-Melissa Joy

The RedBoy said...

Everything appears to be workin, Miss Joy.

Unknown said...

There was a big pack of gummy peach rings at your place the other day, that junk is probably gone by now. The word I have to type to leave a message is "wiggles", WTF

Unknown said...

what's with the temple of doom?

The RedBoy said...

Actually, it was a bucket full o peack rings...

Devil Dick said...

i sense a dd/red boy twist mix coming soon...???

The RedBoy said...

Say Man...Let's do the Red/Devil Twist! *Now w/ 20% More Wombats!

admin said...

oltu taşı
kehribar tesbihler
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