Ok, so…you are walking home in the small hours of the evening through a neighborhood whose byways you have traversed your entire misspent adolescence. You could always make a right on Old Post Road (Substitute your own thoroughfare) with its street lamps and relative safety, but it would just be quicker to take that small wooded lane that traverses the industrial park. Quarter mile in and the footpath you’ve tread has disappeared in the blackness under foot, the only light to be had coming from the final full blush of a waning moon overhead. Amidst the din of crickets and cicadas a rustle can be heard which stops you cold, mid-step. Chances are it is a possum, or, if you live in Tasmania, a Wombat, but maybe, just maybe…it might be a Werewolf. Either that or a drunken transient. Seriously though, can you really afford to take your chances with either?

Yeah, so what? You find a better song to start a werewolf mix if with (and one featuring future members of ‘Moby grape, at that!). Cut in 59’ on Seattle’s Dolton label, ‘Werewolf’ comes in many label and track combinations, but none of em’ touch this classic tune and it’s equally inventive flip

The first and only single culled for the debut album of this legendary 1960’s studio band. I highly recommend seeking out their complete discography on wax before the tragically hip drive the prices through the roof.

I realize that the inclusion of this tune is a stretch, but Perrault’s original interpretation of Le Petite Chaperone Rouge has always been understood as an allegorical werewolf story, that, and it ain’t like I got werewolf records comin’ out the wazoo, so I guess I got no choice but to think on my paws. Look for the flip, Bart Lewis’ ‘Frankenstein’ in a future BFTRB installment.

For those people who have always wondered who would win in a balls-out fight between Tarzan and a werewolf, the wait is over. Brooklyn’s Kacties were busy whoopin’ the shit out of the local vocal competition when they cut this b-side scant hours before Ben E. King would highjack their session for his magnum opus ‘Stand By Me’. Man, just think of how cool ‘Stand By Me’ would have been had it had featured a werewolf. (Sigh) The mind reels.

Werewolf – Gary Warren
Cut in 58’ on Nashville’s Nasco label, werewolf has seen many a comp and cover, but that scarcely diminishes the strange, otherworldly quality of this romantic ode to werewolf fidelity. I also love the fact that not only does Warren’s close proximity to the female sex excite his more lycanthropic tendencies, but this-here werewolf is “King-Size”. Doggy style it is.

Here’s another studio band, this time w/ famed producer Gary Usher @ the helm. Say what you will about the frivolity of this album’s monstrous trappings, but this record stands on it’s own as an awesome example of the highest aspirations of sixties surf music. I managed to scam my mono copy years ago, only to find a clean stereo copy @ a garage sale for a quarter. God bless N.J.

If it is not already evident by the title and label of this 64’ cut, this band ain’t foolin nobody if they think we can’t suss-out Fendermen when we see/hear them. Seeing as how this record found its way onto a later Soma re-issue w/ the Fendermen brand soundly attached to the label, I’d say their demographic is made of some of the sharpest knives in the drawer. Goooood Mornin’ Captain!
So in closing, I’d like to take this opportunity to set you straight on this-here werewolf business. In the words of my old pal Svengoolie:
"You don’t tug on Dracula’s cape.
You don’t let werewolves run loose
You don’t monkey around with Tarzan
And don’t mess around w/‘Bruce’"
Words to live by. Until next time, beware the moors and stay to the road -RB
Blues for the Redboy presents: Even a Mix Who is Pure of Heart and Say It’s Prayers @ Night Can Change to a Wolf when the Wolfbane Blooms & the Autumn Moon is Bright.
you found a copy of Dracula's Deuce for a quarter?!?!?!?!?!?...
Yup...and two days later I found a Stereo copy of the Goodman/Ramal Monster Album (I already had a mono copy)in the dollar bin @ a local record shop...and it was a half price sale! Fifty Cents!!! I say again, God bless NJ!
Yehaw Redboy
It's taken me some time but I'm glad to have tracked you ass down.
Since I've found you I've been HOWLING at the MOON, I don't know whats changed in me!
checkout my twisted rock'n'roll show at www.yougotgoodtaste.podOmatic.com
And just remember I'll be watching your ass!
Mr A The Barber
Where's the Brimstones's wolfman?
fanatstic mixes but i can't seeem to get a few of them to work, this one isn't working either
Whopsie! The Headless Ghost MP3 isn't playing! Drat and double drat.
Hey, RedBoy !!
Could use somethin' to howl along to, come Hallowe'en, so if you could see your way to re-upping this mix before the end of the month it would be much appreciated.
Many thanks, in advance, if you do.
@JJ: Yeah. Thanks. Glad you dig. Divshare tanked the original uploads, but I reposted them all in the linked below.
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