Sunday, February 28, 2010

Your (Fourth) Chance to Do the Hump!

Reposted by popular request...and then subsequently reposted again, initially because Divshare's ass sucks canal water, but subsequently because of my own incompetence. Regardless, I bring you...

Igor's Lament - Tony & the Monstrosities

Igor's Party - Tony and His Monstrosities


Holly said...

Try as I might, I cannot get this track to dl ... is it me or divshare?

Thank you for posting, regardless ...

The RedBoy said...

Fixed, Luv (And a better cut ta boot).

Holly said...

You, Sir, are a good man. What a great song! Which I actually already have. But you see, I was so very, very intrigued by the idea of 'Igor's Lament' as a potential part two ... somebody needs to roll with that idea!

Thank you again.

The RedBoy said...

Not to disappoint you, but it's pretty-much the same exact song w/ some weird panning goin' on. I can post it if you like. Likewise, I take request (Got lots o' horror related stuff). RB

Dave said...

Hey Redboy,thanks but the link says Igor's Lament but when you click it it's Igor's PARTY. Still loving your blog :)

The RedBoy said...

Seeing as how this one itty bitty track is gettin the limelight treatment, I'll repost 'Igor's Lament' this evening...however, I don't want everybody getting their hopes up. It's pretty much just a B:side place saver


Dave said...

Thanks Redboy! Nah,i know MY hopes aint up too high i have heard the track before but i don't own it and i still love it. Is this 45 super rare? I'm looking for one...

The RedBoy said...

Looook Mawww! I Deeed it! :)

The RedBoy said...

Dave: I wouldn't say it's super rare, but it ain't exactly a buyers market for monster records these days. I have seen bootlegs of this floatin' around too, so beware...

Holly said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The RedBoy said...

No Problem, No Problem, No Problem :)

Prof. Grewbeard said...

thanx for the Lament, i been to the Party...

Dave said...

Awesome! Thanks redboy,just got back on here to snag this.