Do you know what it's like to search the interwebs for the terms 'Spirit of 76' and 'Revolution' in tandem? I'll give you a hint - Fuckin' nightmare! Coupled w/ the fact that the A:side is called 'The Ballad of Ethan Allen' and you can just about fully fathom how much of a hens tooth this 68' disc is turning out to be. As the flip implies, Revere's Raiders were pretty soundly aped for this enterprise. No doubt riding boots and ruffled shirts were involved in some capacity.
Yeah, it sounds like It was recorded inside a tri-cornered hat, but beneath the fog of war is some top-notch guitar work in this militia's call to arms. Imitation being the sincerest, yadda, yadda, yadda this soulful track packs a patriot punch right below your rifle sling. Better cup your 'Dragoons'!
Note: I think we'll save the A:side for a season a little more 'Rocket's Red Glare-ish'.
Call on Me - The Spirit of 76' Music Revolution
WADB records = Radio Station Promo?
Yep (I checked -- should have done that first): Asbury Park, NJ.
The radio station had a Battle of the Bands contest and this was first prize?
Nice! Thanx for the awesome info. I have always wondered about this record. The flip is a really cool raiders-esqe number. I always mean to post it on July 4th, but invariably forget.
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