When it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, I am a compartmentalist. What I mean is I cannot allow certain side dishes to intermingle. Understand, it is not that I am specieist when it comes to my food, its just that I am particular (see: crazy) and will not stand for the sullying of an annual meal, especially one as momentous as that which celebrates our total victory over those evil buffalo-humping savages who so callously stole all our small-pox blankets. Under no circumstances can sweet potatoes commingle with mashed potatoes, and likewise interact with my grandmother's orange/carrot Jell-o (Its better than it sounds - trust me). Bread is cool - it pretty much keeps to itself unless it's services are enlisted in some form of dipping or sopping. Gravy is one of the exceptions to the rule, as it effortlessly traverses the side dish barrier (see: Bread), thus bringing corn, stuffing and potatoes together in a thick slurry of carbo-goodness. And then there are cranberries...

As such, we of the garden State take cranberries very seriously. Nary is there another side dish, neither fruit nor vegetable which required its own separate plate, less it's acidic goodness spoil so much soul-food. Should one fail to observe such ritual, they would surely find themselves cursed with pink potatoes (not to be confused with mashed turnips) or - worse yet - fruity gravy...and that my friends is the very definition of Cranberry blues.
Cranberry Blues - Robert Williams & the Groovers
I have this record and love it!
my grandma used to make that too. must be a jersey thing. did you ever get this version of green jello with grapes?
Todd: It certainly is an awesome disc. The flip is cool to boot. Most of the stuff I find on Tip-Top is crap.
Miss Joy! How are things? I do believe it is a Jerzy thang! I did indeed get the green-grape combo on occasion (and the rare cherry-peach variant, though that was mostly in middle-school). The orange and carrot is specifically Holiday fare (along w/ home made applesauce & cranberry / strawberry slurry).
Apparently the only way I can suffer a carrot is if it is encased in gelatin.
Another great one! Happy turkey day redboy.
And a Happy Thanksgiving to you dear Aunty! Save some mashed turnips for me!
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